Allerplex, with vitamin A and C, supports the body's ability to handle seasonal, environmental, and dietary challenges.
- Supports the body's natural ability to manage mucus movement
- Supports healthy liver function
- Supports healthy lung and respiratory function
- Contains a combination of key ingredients from Pneumotrophin PMG, Drenatrophin PMG, Cataplex A-C, Betacol, and Antronex
How does Allerplex help support healthy function of the sinuses and lungs?
Fenugreek seed has a long history of traditional use, including as a support for managing movement of mucus in the body.1 The primary purpose of lung PMG™ extract is to support the healthy function of the lungs and upper respiratory system.*
How does Allerplex support healthy liver function?
Allerplex contains bovine liver fat extract (yakriton) to support the body’s normal detoxification mechanisms.2, 3 Yakriton was first reported on by Japanese scientists in 1926 and was studied in animal and some human research for almost 30 years. Bovine liver fat extract is included in Allerplex to support the liver’s detoxification processes.*
How does carbamide support healthy fluid balance?
In the human body, carbamide (urea) plays a key role in the body’s ability to concentrate urine.4 Along with sodium chloride, urea is a major constituent of the osmotic gradient (the difference in concentration between two solutions on either side of a membrane) in the inner medulla of the kidney and helps support healthy formation of urine.4*
What ingredients in this product help maintain a healthy immune system response function?
Among many other important functions, vitamins A and C have been shown to help maintain a healthy immune system. Also buckwheat leaf provides phytochemicals with antioxidant activity to support the immune system.5*
Why is adrenal PMG™ extract included in this product?
Adrenal PMG™ extract is an ingredient formulated to support healthy functioning of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are involved in the body’s inflammatory response, pulmonary function, and response to stress (physical and emotional).6*
1. Snehlata HS, Payal DR. 2012. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.): An overview. International J Current Pharma Review Res. 2:169-187.
2. Sato A. 1953. Peroxidase and yakriton. Tohoku J Exp Med. 58(2):112.
3. Eusterman GB, Balfour DC. 1050. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Annual Review of Medicine 1: 35-60.
4. Sands JM, Layton HE. 2009. The Physiology of Urinary Concentration: An Update. Semin Nephrol. 29(3): 178-195.
5. Kalinova J, Triska J, Vrchotova N. 2006. Distribution of Vitamin E, Squalene, Epicatechin, and Rutin in Common Buckwheat Plants (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). J. Agric. Food Chem. 54:5330-5335.
6. Nussey S, Whitehead S. 2001. Endocrinology: An Integrated Approach. Oxford, UK. BIOS Scientific Publishers. Chapter 4: The Adrenal Gland.